
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Jovan Hutton Pulitzer
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer, innovative business man, tech pioneer and patriotic fighter, joins me on this call.
With decades of experience as a successful entrepreneur and over 500 patents under his name, Jovan decided to dedicate his talents and efforts in combatting election fraud after being appalled by the 2020 steal.
In this important conversation, Jovan discusses the extent of the corruption and holes in the electoral system, but also the possible positive outcomes from exposing the 2020 and 2022 election fraud.
Most encouraging of all, Jovan has a clear vision on how to make elections in America free and fair again.
Follow Jovan on Twitter and subscribe to his show, "Cut the CRAP (Culture, Race & American Politics)" on Rumble for his incisive political commentary.

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Darren J. Beattie #3
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Joining me for the third time to dismantle the fake "insurrection" narrative is the one and only Darren J. Beattie.
We discuss Revolver's latest investigation on the "pipe bomber" – the other big smoking gun of this entire entrapment operation, after Ray Epps.
Darren walks us through the fascinating and damning set of evidence they've uncovered, proving that the FBI is withholding - and tampered with - footage that would otherwise help identify the "bomber".
Aside from exposing the national security state, Revolver puts Republicans' backs against the wall: will they demand answers to all the questions raised by Revolver's bullet-proof reporting?

Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Ned Ryun #2
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
One of my favorite America First Warriors, Ned Ryun, joins me once again on the podcast, this time to breakdown the Senate, Gubernatorial and State races ahead of the midterms.
Thanks to Ned's astute analysis, inside knowledge and on the ground experience, our convo is a great round-up of the landscape three weeks out of this pivotal moment to save the Republic.
We discussed fighting back against the Godless left, the importance of the 2022 midterms to secure 2024, and how we're both 100% Team Trump for the next Presidential Election.
Make sure you follow Ned on Twitter and keep up with his articles at American Greatness.

Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Josh Lekach
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Wednesday Oct 12, 2022
Josh Lekach, fearless host of "WRONG OPINION" - and one of my favorite commentators out there - joins me on this call.
Banned from Patreon, Vimeo and other platforms last year, the show is full of insightful, spicy content. In his own words, Wrong Opinion covers everything they don't want you to know about - and more.
We discussed topics ranging from MK Ultra, flat Earth theory, the Elon Musk scam, and the ways in which our world has been made ugly to disconnect us from God.
Make sure you support Josh's work by subscribing to his show on Gumroad - you'll love and be wiser for it.

Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Matt Braynard
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Saturday Oct 08, 2022
Matt Braynard, founder of Look Ahead America and staunch advocate for the J6 political prisoners/defendants, joins me on this call.
Since the fake insurrection, the smear campaign against J6 protesters has been relentless, with many getting fired once employers were informed of their presence in DC that day. In response, LAA just launched their latest initiative, Jobs for #J6, which connects businesses with those who've lost their livelihoods because of their political beliefs.
We also talked about the treatment of the detainees still in jail, including 34 of them who recently sent a letter to the DOJ requesting to be transferred to Guantanamo bay due to the horrendous incarceration conditions they're facing in the DC Gulag.
Please share the initiative's link - lookaheadamerica.org/jobsforj6 - to get more businesses signed up and help all those affected by this injustice. For other ways to get involved, check out LAA's website.

Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Frank, from ”Quite Frankly”
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
"Quite Frankly" is quite simply my favorite corner of the internet. Hosted by Frank every week day at 7pm EST, the live show is the perfect mix between informative, sharp and casual. Frank always strikes the right tone when delivering the harsh dose of daily news to his audience, whilst creating an atmosphere of great camaraderie –– despite the difficult realities we face, we're comforted by Frank, his soothing voice and the fellow Quite Frankly-ites tuning in!
After being a guest on his show a few times, Frank joins me for a chilled chat over coffee - we talk about our mutual interests of unveiling what has been hidden, the different ways the Globalists have sought to control us, and how those spells are being broken right now. A perfect call if you're up for an easy listen!
Follow Frank on Twitter. Quite Frankly streams on Youtube, Rumble and other platforms, check out the main website here. You don't want to miss his recent interview with G.Edward Griffin that we referred to during our call.

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Raw Egg Nationalist #2
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Anti-Globalist Warrior and my good friend REN, aka Raw Egg Nationalist, returns to the podcast for a special episode to discuss his latest book, "The Eggs Benedict Option".
For the past hundred years, the Globalists have waged a war against us on multiple fronts with the specific aim of weakening us. The degradation of food has been one of their key weapons of choice, as exposed in The Eggs Benedict Option.
As REN stresses, the time to fight back is now, and this starts by reclaiming the production of the food that we eat. The book is essential reading as it provides us with the guidance we need to re-establish our independence from corporate control over the food supply chain.
Find it directly on antelopehillpublishing.com or Amazon, and other third-party retailers. Make sure you also check out our interview in the latest issue of MAN'S WORLD #8, REN's magazine, pg. 192. For more of all things REN, follow him on Twitter.

Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Jeremy R. Hammond
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Wednesday Mar 02, 2022
Jeremy R. Hammond, investigative journalist dedicated to fighting disinformation and exposing harmful government policies, joins me on this call.
While Jeremy writes on various topics, we focused on his work on Covid, specifically on natural immunity vs. the 'vaccines', and the right to informed consent which has been completely flouted by our governments, with the support of our captured health agencies.
Follow Jeremy on Twitter, bookmark his website, and don't miss the two important documents we discussed on the call, that Jeremy submitted to the Human Rights Council, calling out the complicity of the UN and WHO:
"Vaccine Mandates Violate The Right To Informed Consent" and "COVID-19: Vaccine Mandates Are Not About Public Health"
Lastly, here's a link to the must-see documentary I mentioned, Trust WHO: the Business of Global Health.

Monday Feb 21, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Alex Sheppard #2
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Alex Sheppard is back on the podcast, this time to discuss the consequences he's faced since peacefully protesting at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
From being just 10-15 ft away from where Ashli Babbit was killed, to the FBI raid on his parents' house with guns drawn, Alex recounts his experience on and since that day, including the status of his case brought by the DOJ.
Thankfully, Alex isn't in pretrial detention and has retained some form of freedom; and thus could share his story with us on this call.
A chilling account of where America finds herself right now.

Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Noor Bin Ladin Calls... Julie Kelly
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Julie Kelly, the undaunted and tenacious author of "January 6: How Democrats used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right", joins me on this call.
We discussed all things 1/6, with a focus on the political prisoners currently awaiting trial or even trial dates in many cases, the perversity of the DOJ, and how the entire system is being weaponized to target Americans.
One of my most important calls yet, as we cannot forget the victims of this carefully planned entrapment operation, brilliantly detailed by Julie in her book and explained on our call.
Follow Julie on Twitter, and keep up with her latest updates on 1/6 at American Greatness.